I’m on a mission to teach nonprofit leaders how to run their organization like a business, because that’s what it is – literally. The first step in forming a nonprofit organization is setting up an LLC entity through your state corporation commission. I enjoy working with organizational leaders to create and communicate their value proposition, evaluate and adjust the budget for sustainability and growth, and construct well-written programs that are easily communicated and funded.
The training sessions that I teach can be a 10,000-mile perspective on one organizational development topic that introduces strategies and solutions that can be applied to the majority of nonprofit organizations, or they can be very detail-oriented workshops, tailored to the unique direction of one organization.
I would love to be with you in person when delivering any of my seminars and workshops! Being in the midst of incredible people, inspirational leaders, and good energy is always my preference. But sometimes geography, schedules, budgets – and life! – get in the way, so I’m fully down with presenting seminars and workshops virtually. Zoom is my jam and I’ve gotten good at keeping everyone engaged while in their Hollywood Squares. (Now if someone would just remind me to hit “record” when we’re on!)
I’m joking – I record my educational content most of the time that I intend to. So, if you’re looking for pre-recorded seminars, please let me know. There are a handful of them in my resource hub already and I can be persuaded to make more.

Current Workshops/Seminars
No Begging!: Nonprofit as a business
All the Pretty Pennies: Funding planning for your future
The Main Event: Evaluating special events
Attainable or Sustainable: How far does your mission reach?
It Figures: Budgeting to meet your nonprofit’s goals
Metrics v. Meaning: Collecting data and information that really matters
Program Development: Essential course for grant seekers *
* This course is a series of five 1-hour workshops