About the Business
Jennifer E Goldman LLC – originally formed as Resonance, LLC – got its start on April Fools Day 2015 because I figured it could go well…or it might just be the most foolish thing I’ve ever done. I’m happy to report that it’s been an amazing and enjoyable journey, so far and gives me the sense that I’m fulfilling my purpose on this planet, professionally. I help nonprofit leaders learn new tools, set and achieve new goals, determine stronger methods of sustainability, and direct their organization onto a mission-driven path to success. I also help facilitate difficult discussions between board members and staff, evaluate programs and events for effectiveness, and can help identify possible funding sources.
I’m proud to say that this company has been gaining momentum since its inception. To date, the firm has acquired multiple clients with a very diverse set of needs and expectations. Client projects have included: supporting Main Street startup organizations, facilitating strategic planning meetings and board retreats; creating strategic, marketing and funding plans; creating and implementing local government programs for small businesses and entrepreneurship; forming economic development strategies, economic and community research and analysis, and community outreach and event support, among others.
Jennifer E Goldman LLC is dedicated to nonprofit advancement by teaching organizational leaders how to operate a nonprofit like a well-run business. We believe that every nonprofit deserves to fulfill its mission. In order to do that successfully the leaders must create appropriate budgets, funding plans, strategic plans and programs with proven value.
I believe in the art of listening, the craft of critical thinking, and the beauty of simplicity. The solutions I offer through my services are clear and concise, easy to comprehend and digest, visually attractive and interesting, and most importantly – impactful. Our workshops, webinars and facilitation services offer management and nonprofit expertise, unparalleled support, unique strategies and creative solutions for organizational leaders to help them overcome short-term challenges and achieve long-term goals and growth.
In 2022 we were honored to have been chosen as a Main Street Now annual conference presenter and were thrilled to offer our incREDible Downtowns presentation to a packed room at the Richmond-based conference.

In the past two years, we are proud to have provided services
to several Main Street organizations, including:

About Jennifer E. Goldman
I have a Business Management degree from George Mason University. I’m a certified nonprofit manager and small business consultant, a published author and a professional speaker.
None of this will matter when I’m dead!
What matters most to me are the connections that I make and to what depth. I have two incredible grown sons that I love dearly – they are the most amazing people on the planet (I’m not biased….much). What thrills me most is when they reach out to ask me for advice. Me…their mother! And I have friends who inspire me, who push me, who challenge me, who lean on me, and who I can count on at any minute of any day. I’m also fortunate to still have my mother in my life and am grateful that we’re getting to know each other on a different level and growing closer every day.
These are the things that matter to me.
I began working at the age of 14, determined to earn enough money to shed the eye glasses that made me feel nerdy and awkward and purchase my first pair of contact lenses, thereby giving me instant cool status. I became assistant manager of a restaurant at the age of 16 and have a very eclectic mix of job experience including retail sales, kitchen and bathroom planning, payroll management, human resources administration, domestic goddess, professional writer, nonprofit manager, and now entrepreneur.
My career, although varied, has allowed me to earn a deeper understanding and hone skills in the areas of nonprofit management, fundraising, program development, economic development, coordination, workforce development, process improvement, and government relations.
And public speaking.
I can remember a time when addressing a crowd would have me breaking out into a very unattractive sweat. Somewhere along the path to entrepreneurship, I learned that if I didn’t speak up my business would never get off the ground. It’s amazing what you learn you’re capable of when determination takes over.
I now find speaking to be one of my favorite aspects of business. Every opportunity to address a crowd is a chance to meet new people, foster new relationships, build more contacts. Even better, it gives me the opportunity to share with others the things I’ve learned and help them with their own journey in the world of business.